It's always so smoky where I live
Nothing seems to want to fly in by...
One morning, I saw a truck, and some guys binding and gutting a deer.
And the generosity of sharing--no
One was doing that.
They were, like,
Eat if you have. Enjoy if you can.
Love follows the trickle of love.
The dearth fits neatly in its own shadow.
If I wave away the fumes, with my hand, the smoke will unfold in its place--
A cleansed revision of the flawed first draft.
It's like a record of everything I anticipate for myself.
Tell me your name again.
The Monkey
There’s an area in our home referred to as “The Black Hole” as things tend
to disappear there never to be seen again. The notion that something
uncanny e...
3 days ago