Sunday, September 29, 2024


Light, light.

Naked light imposed on the brown 

Fortress of Humankind,  and  expected 

To grow, 

Raise its own children. 

Raise its own head out of God’s loss

I wouldn’t do that.

I wouldn’t believe in that.

Always the ant beholden to a timely hill.

Only so much its attendant.

Monday, September 16, 2024


 The love story I’m going to tell you is short—

Surprisingly short, given the sprawl of time:

Each gauge corresponds with something on the ship we need.

And when we hit impracticalities we say

We’re all in the same boat. 

I don’t want to dicker over class. I know who I am.

Everywhere I ever lived I hid five dollars in a paper

Football by the largest tree nearest the front door. Look

For a measure of pink yarn. You’ll find me.

You’ll never find me.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Origin of Brix

Everything about a haunted house 

Feels certain when you’re afraid 

In the dark you see something move;

It divides you. You adjust your

Focus helplessly.

Guts ecstasy

It’s kicking in.

Monday, September 9, 2024


 Hemingway said bankruptcy takes place

In two stages: the first slow, the second fast.

When someone loves you and you touch their hair,

You feel yourself falling.

Nobody’s fingers in her hair need a god.


 Verse one is mostly click-clack

Click. The second verse is click-clack

Click as well. Older, but no wiser.

Verse three opens on a scarecrow brilliantly 

Colored by the sun. Click-clack

Click. Please keep my hand by your heart.