Thursday, November 25, 2010

You owe nothing to the eyes who see you.

"Extremely close to Lycaeides, in the falx, furca and valve, and considered here retaining an ancestral aspect of that genus."
-from Vladimir Nabokov's notes on lepidoptera, (Paralycaeides n.g., 1945; Nabokov's Butterflies, Beacon 2000. Dedidacted to, among others, Vera. )

You owe nothing to the eyes who see you.

And you are a threat to meaning all the same.

I want the thread of
Silken letters dissolving

In my throat.

I want, in part, less
Than this accommodation

To clearheadedness.
I could say,
"Please belong to my senselessness,
As a mussel to the profanity of pacific


With the best of stability I say--
--and again, I say.

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